Wednesday, April 18, 2007

There are some sick people in this world...

Ya know, it takes an incident like we had two days ago to really realize that an individual, could commit as much horror as we could ever imagine. I was 12 when the Columbine shootings took place, only in 7'th grade. It didn't really take home to me honestly.
During 2000-2003 my father was a private courrier to and from NYC. When 9/11 hit, my father was right in the middle of Manhattan. I remember getting the news of the first plane hitting. I was skipping my Algebra class to get some breakfest from the Cafeteria. My gym teacher happened to be in front in me in line He ettered out the words to the cashier, "Did you here? Some stupid pilot crashed a plane into the World Trade Center." I immediatlly called my father boss. He was ok. Little did he know that he was not conceptualizing on a little crash, but a terrorist attack. Ten minutes later, the second plane struck. The headmaster of our school came over the intercom telling us the news of the first and second plane. I couldn't believe it. I broke down in tears. I needed the help of my guidance counscalr to help me throung my pain. How could anybody do this?
Why did this guy do this to innocent VT students? The worst school shooting in US history. He was a loner. A man with obvious mental problems. Being in his distorted state of mind, he decided to take the life of 33 people including himself. Aside from all the security measures VT could of taken, what about Cho Seung-Hui, the gunman. What could we have done prior?
I'll admit, some of these incidents can not be prevented. At random, people we don't expect strike horrific violence onto others. But what about those who seem not to alltogheter. If this guy Seng-Hui had a good friend, I guarantee this sort of thing would not have happened. He was alone, simply left to himself.
The plain message being if you see someone "a little too out there", then lend a helping hand. People's mental stability is just as much important as their physicall stabilty. Cho Seung-Hui didn't have anybody to call a friend and it's sad. Imagine not having a crew let alone a friend or two to confer with. Be kind of depressing, don't you think.
So in conclusion, my prayers go out to ALL the lives lost in the shooting.

A little word of increasing diveristy on this campus..

The answer is very simple. Unfortunately it’s impossible to achieve. Why? Because this campus happens to be placed on one of the richest counties in the United States. Growing up in Greenwich, CT, I know what it’s like to be right smack in the middle of money. Although I never had any of it, I got a good taste of what it was like to live rich.
Fairfield U. reminds me of my high school so much. The joke would go around that the students would drive better cars than the teachers. It was just the way it was. Still the same today. A majority of the students at GHS was white, 90%. The same proportion holds true for FU. If not more.
Being that this is a catholic university, a community of open arms, you would think that we would make it accesable to all people. The cost of tution dosen’t allow all people to attend here. It’s a sad feeling to see teenagaers working at the Calf when they could be you or me attending classes. If we were a true Catholic University, we would find a way to accept more people from poorer communities to attend this great school. A good first step would to get kids from Brigeport to actually attend classes here. Not just have a hang out on Friday nights in the BCC.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Al's Place

Wrote this little ode about Al's a long time ago, I was drunk and nostalgic at the time...

My favorite: Al’s Place
By Master Duff

Al’s was the place to be. Every Wednesday nights were the night to congregate. A night of kareoke fun, and homestyle bar. Take for it’s worth, it was an experience, my freshman year was defined by the Wednesday nights. It was a wonderful mix of music, sports, and good old-fashioned drink till you drop. Al’s was a communication; nothing could communicate much like Al’s
I could remember like it was yesterday, drinking a pitcher, and making my way to the front stage. “Come Sail Away, and I sang the song. Along with everyone else on the floor, we sang a song together. I didn’t notice that on the Blue. Don’t get me wrong, I had a great time at the Blue. I danced on the stage, had a pitcher on the pool table, danced with the sloppiest of sloppiest. But Al’s had a way about me.
Take it for my musical style, but the urban music wasn’t feeling’ me. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good hoping’, booty grinding’ song to get down to when you’ve had a few to many to count. But the essence of Steve Miller’s, ‘Swingtown”, can give you no other grove possible. This is what I what I mean by Al’s. It was a place were you could have that drink, and get crowded while drinking it. Take it down, have your name called, and sing that song you requested three or four drinks prior. You know you sang that song with the most heart you possibly put our. The ones before you cheered, joined you onstage for a trio and thus more, and made the best of the night.
Those nights will be forever lost, in the essence that was Wednesday nights. I personally tried the Blue for one night, and try to compare it to the Al’s experience. I came up short, so to speak. The ladies were bumpin’, the drinks were flowin’, but there was no innocence, like “You ain’t seen nothing yet”, by the Bachman Turner Overdrive. Rap and hip-hop is the music of the present, so to speak. But there is no doubt that the power of rock & roll can make you inspire to higher intelligence, to higher emotions, to higher levels of grasp.
The bouncers weren’t as forceful, they weren’t as bullying. As I remember they enjoyed a few beers as we sang our hearts out on the Al’s Idol. Those judges gave us the truth, we took it, and enjoyed the standings we were in. I personally came in fifth, in the semifinals so you know how I felt.
Why they closed, I do not know, they served the cheapest of booze around. Served for the most illegal of a crowd. But they didn’t care. All they cared about was making a profit, a making a profit of our dollars. Rent was an excuse, but I have the distinctive feeling that they were afraid of another police presence.
Al’s is a place that can never be replaced. A freshman year stint you may call it. But unconsciously, or consciously, it will be missed. A perfect mix. I will be miss it, and hope to all of you that you will miss it with equal sorrow that I feel.